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May 07, 2010

Baby Hope!

In many countries the mortality rate among newborns and women in childbirth is still very high. Stichting Baby Hope collects hygiene products to support maternity clinics in Africa, South-America and eastern-Europe. Increasing the hygiene during childbirth so more women can take their healthy newborn home!

Stichting Baby Hope is a Dutch organization started in 2003 by one women who did not want to waste the hygiene products that were left over after the birth of her child. Baby Hope has grown since then to an organization with 161 locations throughout the country were women can bring their left-over hygiene items. Helping 14 maternity projects in 11 countries!

What to send?
-Latex gloves
-Plastic aprons
-umbilical clamps
-sanitary towels
and other useful items in unopened wrapping.

Dutch readers can click here to find the nearest location!
International readers can send an e-mail to ask for the right location to send their items!

Sent your items to Stichting Baby Hope? Tell us about it by clicking on 'reacties' below!

1 comment:

  1. Margarita,

    I think this is a great idea and I will look into what I can do to help them out.



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